I always look for these shells whenever a bit of sand hoves
into view.  They  are such a gift.  My hopes were pinned on
the promise of far places they offered.  Some of that promise
has been redeemed but nowhere near as much as I would have
liked.  One of my brothers, on the other hand, went to very
far away places, with National Service and my husband was a
sailor who sailed to far flung places.  Both should have been me!!

(I’m going to apologise for the word ‘hoves’ as I’ve used this for
ever meaning as ‘when something comes into view.’ However, I now
discover it’s not in any dictionary.  Can anyone shed light on its
provenance?  As it is, I think it must be colloquial?)


All life lies
In the curved hollow
Of this curling shell
Resting in the sand.
Full of silent loveliness,
Of enduring beauty,
Even when smashed
Against sad wrecks
Or drowned in rock pools.

Put it to the ear,
Let the oceans
Of the world
Whisper their enchantment.
Of whales,
Of new places,
Of new moons and stars,
Of ships that pass
In the night.

Fill the listening heart
With desire, with longing,
To be swept around the world
On the backs of white horses.

©2023 Gwen Grant.

8 thoughts on “CONCH SHELL

  1. When I was a little girl we had one of these shells and my mom had me believing I could actually hear the ocean when I held it to my ear, I did hear something coming from it, my strong imagination.


  2. Glad you liked the poem, Sharon. I think you must be right about the Old English. I’m going to check more sources
    and see if I can confirm that! Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know the sailing team hove to is derived from heave to, as they would haul the foresail back to hold the boat in irons, or to keep her steady without making much progress.
    Don’t know if that helps you.
    Thinking about it, if a sailing ship turns it might come into view.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for taking time to send these details about the word ‘hove’. I’m absolutely certain that
    you’ve got it right and that, after all these years of wondering about it, I now have an answer. Will you
    mind if I put this up on my blog because there must be others who would love to read it?
    Sending good thoughts as always.

    Liked by 1 person

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