Since life overtook us and walking became a bit difficult, we no longer
go the long country walks we have always been used to, so now our walks
tend to be in the easily accessible town and gates are few and far between. 
That has done nothing to diminish my love of gates and I watch out
for them all the time, from wherever I am.   That gate above is one that
I would feel an impulse to stroke both for the silvery grey old wood and
because even though it is a gate, it seems as if the hand of a friend has
built it.


I love gates.
Gates are the very things
I am fond of.

Not the huge iron gates
Crackling with steel mesh
And threats,
To keep you in,

But the lovely little
Wooden gates,
Awash with tall grasses
And latches,
To let you out.

These gates, I love.

©2020 Gwen Grant

PRIVATE KEEP OUT!  by Gwen Grant
published by Penguin Vintage  Children’s Classics
available in paperback and as an ebook

15 thoughts on “I LOVE GATES

  1. Glad there’s someone else who loves gates, Kymber – and glad, too, that you like the poem. They certainly make the heart go bump when you see an especially lovely one.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the layout of your posts, Gwen, the mixture of prose and poetry, the shunning of excess in either emotion or length. I’ve read a few and am subscribing.

    ps I love gates and I have grandchildren too —


  3. Thank you for your comments, which are much appreciated. Very glad indeed that you’re subscribing. Extremely fond of Australia.

    Liked by 1 person

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